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About Us

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Ryan is kinda old fashioned when it comes to his studies. He always preferred to have a physical copy of a coursebook. He swears that paper is better! We all thought he was crazy until we found that several studies have reported that although reading and writing on a computer saves time because it is a faster process, taking notes by hand and reading from a physical book improves students' memorization, word recognition and conceptual understanding! However, Ryan's university only provided physical coursebooks for a small handful of courses, and they were often overpriced. So, Ryan reached out to third-party print shops for the coursebooks which his university didn't provide, only to find that they were even more expensive than the university! So, Ryan took matters into his own hands and created a company to print and bind coursebooks and notes for students at a fraction of the usual cost. For the University of Auckland students, coursebooks can be delivered to you on campus for free, with most orders ready the very next day! Click "order now" to see what we offer! Or email us your coursebook file at primalprintingnz@gmail.com with your name and colour preference, and we'll get back to you with payment options.

Concerned For The Trees?

We feel ya! Trees are essential to our entire survival and we need to put back what we consume. That's why we plant a tree for every coursebook order!

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